On Global Unique Identifiers (again) for Natural History Collections Data: How to Stop People From Saying “You’re Doing It Wrong” (or conversely, “Yay! We’re Doing It Right!”)
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From Gary Larsen and adapted by Barry Smith in Referent Tracking
presentation at the Semantics of Biodiversity Workshop, 2012.
The natural history collections community has been hearing about GUIDs (globally unique identifiers) for a long time. However, what we’ve typically heard are comments like “ARGH! These don’t work” or “These are hard to implement”; or we’ve been subjected to long “policy documents” that seem to be generated by computer scientists, not the people actually working in the collections. So the bottom line is that it’d be nice to have some clear, short “thinky things” about GUIDs that help us understand the value a bit more clearly, and that provides a simple and clear way forward. We want to take a stab at that here and VERY MUCH WELCOME feedback. Lots of it. We’ve thought a ton about it and we are ready!
A recurrent question we have gotten from people developing collections database (or at the level of aggregators such as Vertnet or GBIF) is why we need to go beyond the self-minted, internal GUIDs and why GUIDs need to resolve and be persistent. We could envision a large data aggregator such as iDigBio or GBIF that keeps track of digital records by assigning UUIDs (universally unique identifiers --- which are very, very easy to mint!) to these but likely without any connection to the physical source objects stored in providers institutions, and/or any connection to the same objects stored in other institutional repositories or aggregators. Yet, the ultimate value of assigning GUIDs to objects, their metadata and derivatives is that we can track all these back to their source and generate queries that imply semantic reasoning over a robust digital landscape. In such a landscape, answering those core-challenging questions generated by collaborative projects becomes possible. Therefore, the digitization process acquires a much deeper meaning and value by going beyond the process of straightforward data capture and moves towards an environment where we can track relationships among physical objects, annotations, and descriptive metadata as part of a global network. If as a community we agree on the benefit of assigning GUIDs, this is the opportunity to generate a strategy that would add long-term value to this effort. In other words, if we need to invest our resources, let’s do it in ways that we can draw benefit now and in the future.
A big question is how to best implement such a vision. GUID implementations within our community have proven problematic as evidenced by 20% of Rod Page’s blog posts. After much vetting of possible solutions, we believe the right answer is to leverage existing expertise developing not just GUIDs, but a set of services built around them. In particular, we have talked to the California Digital Library (CDL) about EZIDs, and the value of using EZIDs given that these elegantly solves a lot of community needs at once and nicely positions us for the future. Speaking of community needs, the solution we advocate is not just “go get EZIDs”. BiSciCol was funded, in part, to help with this task of working with the community and foster the implementation of GUIDs as a necessary step towards bringing our digital resources into a Linked Open Data framework. BiSciCol wants to build out services that support the community, working with CDL and you, to make that happen.
What are EZIDS and why do we love them?
As we mentioned in a previous blog post (http://biscicol.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-biscicol-project-team-has-had-busy.html), CDL has developed EZIDs, which are flexible GUIDs built off of DOIs and ARKs. The big win is that there are a bunch of CDL services already developed to help with minting these GUIDs, and assure that these are resolvable, linkable, persistent and long-term sustainable. EZIDs have some lovely features, including their flexibility to be associated with datasets and objects through the whole digital data life cycle. Also, EZIDs allow us to mix and match DOIs, which are well understood and used in the publishing community, with ARKs, which were developed in the archives, library and museum community and provide a bit more flexibility and the ability to assign on a more granular level to individual data objects rather than datasets. For more details, see John Kunze’s powerpoint presentation on EZIDs). We can work with CDL and their EZID system to build a prototype collections community GUIDs service.
So you are thinking to yourself... how much does it cost? The answer is: Nothing to you, very little to BiSciCol, and ultimately remarkably lower than what has already been spent in terms of people-hours trying to sort through this very complex landscape, and develop home-grown solutions. Sustainability has costs --- and the goal is to scale those down to the point where they are orders of magnitude lower than where they have been before by leveraging economies of scale. We do that with this solution. Big win.
Our View on Best Practices:
- GUIDs must be globally unique. The “Darwin Core Triplet” might not be good enough.
- GUIDs must be persistent. Most projects generating GUIDs have < 10 year lifespans. Having persistent GUIDs means we need to think about strategies for resolution services (if required) that have a > 10 year lifespan and in the context of an institution that is designed to be persistent.
- GUIDs must be assigned as close to the source as possible. For example, if data is collected in the field, the identifier for that data needs to be assigned in the field and attached to the field database with ownership initially stated by the maintainers of that database. For existing data, assignment can be made in the source database.
- GUIDs propagate downstream to other systems. Creating new GUIDs in warehouses that duplicate existing ones is bad practice, and thus aggregators need to honor well-curated GUIDs from providers.
- Don’t conflate GUIDs for physical material with GUIDs for metadata about that physical material. We promote the assignment of unique GUIDs to physical material; metadata about physical material will have a separate GUID. While physical object IDs can be any type of GUID, we recommend EZIDs as they are short, unique, opaque, resolved by a persistent entity, and redirection to metadata can be stored with the identifier itself. UUIDs can be used for this purpose as well BUT are not as robust as EZIDs since they lack redirection or resolution or require local solutions (see #2 above for problems with such solutions).
- GUIDs need to be attached in a meaningful way to semantic services. Knowing semantically that a GUID is referring to either an information artifact, a process, or a physical thing is vital to understanding how to interpret the meaning of its relationship to other GUIDs expressed in other areas and to inform aggregators how to interpret content.
A prototype collections community guid service.
GetMyGUID Service - “Promoting GUID Standard Design Practices”. We have blathered on long enough here, but want to just give a hint of where we are going. We want to create a service that is built by natural history collections folks (and our computer science friends) for natural history collections folks, that taps into existing goodness already created. That is, we tap into the existing services from EZIDs but then further develop a service that encodes best practices that work in this community. In the near future, we are going to explain how the service works, how you can access it, why it does what it does. We know how hard it is to get folks to make updates and additions to their databases, so we want to find out how to get over that barrier! We want to find those early adopters (and hint hint, we are working with BiSciCol partners already to get this ball rolling!). So, more soon. Pass the word along!
- John Deck, Rob Guralnick, and Nico Cellinese